Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Storm Before the Calm

You may be wondering if I got my title a little backwards and I'm here to assure you that, no, I truly meant it in that order. 

I'm currently in the middle of an insane tornado of packing lists, suitcases, shopping trips, thank you notes, chores, family, friends, sleep (what little I do actually get), and my own personal thoughts (and if you know me, then you know that this is probably the biggest battle on the list).  The last several weeks before I depart have been ones full of emotions that range from ecstatic to terrified to frustrated to happy and then back to terrified again.  People keep asking, "Why are you scared?"  My initial thought is, "Why would I not be scared??  I'm leaving the country for 31 days with no idea as to how this is going to go!"  But I've had several people come along side me and offer me the best advice that anyone could've given me at that point in time....God's got this, and you need to just be calm and know that everything is going to fall in place exactly as it should.  So thank you Derek, Dan, and Casey for that only took me hearing it 3 times for it to actually sink in :)

I've heard that the wifi in Mexico is a little sketchy, but I'll try to update as I get the opportunity to do so.  Until then, it's back to packing, endless Pandora (set on country of course!), and saying goodbye to the people that I will miss more than they know while I'm gone.
