Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 30 - Change

I didn’t get to sleep last night until after 2am.  I have no idea why, but my body just refused to go to sleep.  Benadryl has become one of my dearest friends on this trip.

Everyone woke up this morning in a tired and cranky mood….not good seeing as how we were expected to deep clean campus.  I got to unclog my first toilet today, a task that I would’ve been ok saving for another day…or never.  After about 4 hours of everyone dragging their feet and moving slowly, we finally finished and were released.  This was both a happy moment and a sad one, because what comes next is packing.  None of us want to pack.  We keep finding ourselves laughing and wanting to cry all at the same time.  Some people are actually packing, and everyone else is delaying it as much as possible. 

It’s hard to leave a place that has become your home and where you’ve made so many close friends.  It’s easy to stay focused on God when you are surrounded by 100 other people doing exactly that, but when we are expected to go home and do it on our own, it gets a lot harder. 

I feel like my life in the last month and even the upcoming month is one of packing and of change.  My clothes and belongings are all packed up, but I have to wonder how long it’s going to take to mentally unpack when I get home.  I’ll be there for nearly 2 weeks, and then will have to pack everything all over again to move out of my home for the first time.  I’m excited and nervous at the same time.  But if I’ve learned anything in Mexico, it’s that God is constant, never changing, and forgiving.  He has been the same God as He was at home, in Mexico, and at college. 

1 comment:

  1. A lot of change can be very unsettling but it seems like you have a GREAT attitude about it....just make sure you cut yourself a little slack every once in a while if you feel overwhelmed. I think the biggest disservice we do ourselves is when expect ourselves to be superhuman and we feel guilty when we need time to recharge. Take the time so that you can be at your best.
